"'The student council members also gave some insight into the dance taking place on November 30th. “Well, mainly we’ve been talking about the spirit week and planning the spirit week, but so far we definitely want really cool winter decorations. Like, a whole winter wonderland thing…'" -- Grace Triantafyllos
I sat down with four of the student council members to see what events we can look forward to this year and to get a glimpse of what it’s like to be in student government. “I’m enjoying it. I mean, it’s nice. I know in student council we should be working together, but we kind of debate on certain things,” said 6th grade Representative Reyhana Shepherd. “Everybody’s understanding. You get to say what you wanna say and they’ll listen to you...And it’s just really fun having a team that understands you.”
“It’s very fun and it’s nice to know that you can express your opinions and ideas. Certain people, though, are really hard to collaborate with,” said 6th grade Secretary Milo Trejo.
“I just observed a lot of things that needed to be done at the school,” said Shepherd regarding why she decided to run. “Like, I realized that a lot of people are buying lunch from people when we could just have a vending machine with snacks. And I also thought that we could do a lot of fundraisers since, there’s a lot of emphases.”
As a newcomer to OSA, 7th grade Representative McKenzie Mohun was interested in running to become more involved. “Since this is a new school for me, I wanted to get more into the school,” she said.
When asked what changes she would like to see in the school, Middle School Treasurer Tessa Rosen expressed concern over the gender neutral bathroom. “[OSA] changed the gender neutral, like, all-gender bathroom into a faculty bathroom, and I wanna get an all-gender bathroom downstairs, on the second floor.”
The student council members also gave some insight into the dance taking place on November 30th. “Well, mainly we’ve been talking about the spirit week and planning the spirit week, but so far we definitely want really cool winter decorations. Like, a whole winter wonderland thing…” Rosen said.
“I’ve been asking 6th graders about what type of songs, because we all get to choose ten songs on a playlist that we like, so… It’s really been nice. We’re just making sure that we have people who want to supervise and making sure we have enough people who want to do food, the decorations, and who can support us,” said Shepherd.
They also talked about other events that could possibly take place this year. “Definitely the dance, but we’re probably gonna have a spring dance. That’s what we usually do. And there’s an 8th grade end of the year dance. It’s like a dinner dance thing. Definitely more spirit weeks. Maybe, a winter spirit week right before winter break. And maybe, like, Valentine’s grams or something. I just think the possibilities are endless--and I think we have a lot of stuff in mind,” Rosen said. Shepherd also had ideas for possible events, like private movie screenings just for OSA students, more fundraisers, and a Valentine’s Day dance.
“The hardest part is getting what you want. You’re not gonna get what you want. Like, every once in a while they might say no because, you know, other people might vote against it. Like, let’s say you want to have an Easter dance and you’re the only one who say yes and everybody’s like, ‘no’. Well, you’re just not going to get what you want, because everybody else, you know, disagrees. You have to make it fair…” Shepherd stated. Rosen finds that the hardest part is people not coming to meetings or not coming at all, as well as trying to work around dates and coordinating with teachers to find places, such as Sweets, to host events.
“Kinda the reason that I like student council [is that] I’m working on my skill of working with people and, like, planning stuff is really fun for me. It’s hard, but fun,” said Rosen.
Shepherd’s favorite part is planning events like dances and spirit weeks. “That’s just so fun and it’s cool to watch the kids come up, like the 6th graders really, and the middle school, to participate in it, and just to look at all the cool things they make or DIY... [The dances] really--it makes people excited because we have one on the 30th of this month and all the kids are like, ‘oh, I need a date! Oh, I wanna wear this!’ And it’s just nice to see people happy with the choices that we make.”
“It’s very fun and it’s nice to know that you can express your opinions and ideas. Certain people, though, are really hard to collaborate with,” said 6th grade Secretary Milo Trejo.
“I just observed a lot of things that needed to be done at the school,” said Shepherd regarding why she decided to run. “Like, I realized that a lot of people are buying lunch from people when we could just have a vending machine with snacks. And I also thought that we could do a lot of fundraisers since, there’s a lot of emphases.”
As a newcomer to OSA, 7th grade Representative McKenzie Mohun was interested in running to become more involved. “Since this is a new school for me, I wanted to get more into the school,” she said.
When asked what changes she would like to see in the school, Middle School Treasurer Tessa Rosen expressed concern over the gender neutral bathroom. “[OSA] changed the gender neutral, like, all-gender bathroom into a faculty bathroom, and I wanna get an all-gender bathroom downstairs, on the second floor.”
The student council members also gave some insight into the dance taking place on November 30th. “Well, mainly we’ve been talking about the spirit week and planning the spirit week, but so far we definitely want really cool winter decorations. Like, a whole winter wonderland thing…” Rosen said.
“I’ve been asking 6th graders about what type of songs, because we all get to choose ten songs on a playlist that we like, so… It’s really been nice. We’re just making sure that we have people who want to supervise and making sure we have enough people who want to do food, the decorations, and who can support us,” said Shepherd.
They also talked about other events that could possibly take place this year. “Definitely the dance, but we’re probably gonna have a spring dance. That’s what we usually do. And there’s an 8th grade end of the year dance. It’s like a dinner dance thing. Definitely more spirit weeks. Maybe, a winter spirit week right before winter break. And maybe, like, Valentine’s grams or something. I just think the possibilities are endless--and I think we have a lot of stuff in mind,” Rosen said. Shepherd also had ideas for possible events, like private movie screenings just for OSA students, more fundraisers, and a Valentine’s Day dance.
“The hardest part is getting what you want. You’re not gonna get what you want. Like, every once in a while they might say no because, you know, other people might vote against it. Like, let’s say you want to have an Easter dance and you’re the only one who say yes and everybody’s like, ‘no’. Well, you’re just not going to get what you want, because everybody else, you know, disagrees. You have to make it fair…” Shepherd stated. Rosen finds that the hardest part is people not coming to meetings or not coming at all, as well as trying to work around dates and coordinating with teachers to find places, such as Sweets, to host events.
“Kinda the reason that I like student council [is that] I’m working on my skill of working with people and, like, planning stuff is really fun for me. It’s hard, but fun,” said Rosen.
Shepherd’s favorite part is planning events like dances and spirit weeks. “That’s just so fun and it’s cool to watch the kids come up, like the 6th graders really, and the middle school, to participate in it, and just to look at all the cool things they make or DIY... [The dances] really--it makes people excited because we have one on the 30th of this month and all the kids are like, ‘oh, I need a date! Oh, I wanna wear this!’ And it’s just nice to see people happy with the choices that we make.”