Alice Stewart, 6th grade
Likes sweet food. And spicy food. And savory food. ...Most food, actually.
Amara Deanes, 7th Grade
Loves reading and fashion
winter johnson, 7th grade
Cece burger, 7th grade
Caprisun master, I'll walk your dog or your baby for like 30 bucks
logan bergmark 7th grade
kitten fosters
Aphrodite Avidon, 8th Grade
i hate spring and fall
Ava Ford, 8th grade
Movie addicted
Ruby Deetz, 8th grade
MAIA Cavagnolo, 8th grade
Wears shorts everyday. NO, I'm NOT cold!
Kaliyah Smith, 8th grade
They could never make me hate you Courtney Love.
Lilah aparton, 7th Grade
Elias yuasa, 8th grade
Likes economics and bread.
Jordan Karnes, Faculty Advisor
Karnes is tall and looks like they're from the seventies.