"Digital Media is one of the newest additions to Oakland School for the Arts middle school program, but what really goes on in in this new emphasis?" - Hazel phillips
Digital Media is one of the newest additions to Oakland School for the Arts middle school program, but what really goes on in in this new emphasis? Maybe you're wondering about it. I know I was.
I interviewed Isaias Davis and Zak Yastremski from Digital Media. They told me a bit about what goes on behind closed doors. In this interview, we will cover the topics of the winter show and the 6 page book. Never heard of them? You will now!
First, I asked where they had heard of OSA,
“Well, my sister was talking about it a bunch, and telling me cool stories from OSA so I tried out for DM.” Isaias said. As for Zak, “Oh, a lot of my friends were planning to go here so I looked into the school.”
I then asked them about the Winter Show photos.
“They told us (DM) about the winter show, and I wanted to keep to a ‘wintery’ theme so i looked on my SD card.” Isaias told me, “I ended up using a stain glass photo that looked like a snowflake!” “I wanted to emphasize texture in my photos so I took a photo of Abe Lincoln at uptown park.” Zak added.
After they finished talking I sprung another question on them.“Can you tell me about your six page book you made?”
“Uh, Well, we folded a book into six parts and, wrote a story and then photoshopped picture onto it.” Isaias answered.
“Yeah yeah, but what did you write about?” I asked again.
“Oh we could do whatever we wanted, but I wrote about a girl who is supposed to turn ten but all zeros are stolen from her community.” he said.
“I did a world of foods continually at war!” said Zak.
Well, there you have it folks. That’s what goes on in Digital Media, and see you next month!