Oakland School for the Arts is a school that thrives off diversity. One thing that makes us unique is how involved our students are—from political activism, to improv, and even robotics. OSA offers a wide range of clubs for students to help inform people on race, culture, gender, self awareness, self care, and enjoyment. Below you’ll find a round-up on all the clubs offered this year.
-Gender Equity is a club that talks about gender, self care and friendships and it meets in room 323 on Tuesdays at lunch.
-BSU, or the Black Student Union covers the topics of current events, black minds throughout history, Pan-Africanism, cultures in various african countries that is presented by the union members. EVERYONE is WELCOME! They meet on Thursdays in room 316 at lunch.
-QT club is for queer and trans people to have a “chill time with snacks” the QT club meets every Friday at lunch in room 323.
-Latinos Unidos is a club that is dedicated to highlighting the Latin American community. I talked to the founder of Latinos Unidos, Tati Cordoba, and she said that “this club is to educate everyone” Latina, Black, White, Asian, that there is “more than just Mexico or Spain”. She wants to inform people so that they can know the culture of all these other countries that are being overlooked Latinos Unidos meets in room 316 at lunch on Tuesdays.
-Womxn of color is a new club that will be meeting in room 316 on Wednesday. I talked to one of the founders of this club, Malaya Conui, and I asked what their inspiration was for starting this club. “It's really important to have a space where women of color can have their voices heard,”she responded, also mentioning that they want to go to fundraisers for women of color. The club will talk about issues surrounding their “various, complex identities.” They want to help teach women of color about successful women of color and how they can be. It's a club that will help women of color feel supported and have a say. They will be talking about.“intersections between race and feminism.”
-Student academic support club. I talked to Julia Hopkins, the founder of the club, and she was telling me that she want to have a class that helps students so that they feel supported and won’t fall behind. She talked to me about how to help students learn tricks to “manipulate” the system, like if you need to record what your teacher is saying so that you can listen to again later on because they don't put information on the board. She said how she feels that the school system in the United States Is awful and that we can not do anything as students right now but just try to learn. We can try to fix the school system once we are adults.
I stopped by the Pink Club and sat in to hear about what they do.. The Pink Club is a breast cancer awareness club who helps to educate people on the importance of breast cancer and how to self check to see if you have breast cancer. In addition, this club helps students who have been affected by breast cancer whether that is friends or family. “Through Bake sales, community outreach, volunteering, and activities revolving around fitness and health, we aim to reduce the probability of first time breast cancer for many, especially in our generation”. The Pink Club has fundraisers and send the donations to research to people who are currently battling with breast cancer. The club also helps with checking in on people's health history, if they are eating healthy, and fitness which are all keys components to reducing the chances of getting breast cancer.
OSA also has clubs for people who want to learn more skills and enjoy themselves. We have Robotics, a club that takes no experience beforehand—just show up if you are interested in robotics, coding, or mechanical engineering. It’s held at lunch in room 338 on Thursdays.
Are you into acting on the fly, yeah? Then come to Improv and have a great time go to room 221 at lunch every Thursday to hangout with Ms. Bush and learn the nuances of improv acting.
Are you interested in starting your own club? Then you will need to go to the teach of Leadership, Ms. Plet. She’ll give you a form that you’ll need to fill out. You will need a day, classroom, and a teacher that say they will watch over the class. You will also need to give a small write up of what your club is about and why you want the club.
-Gender Equity is a club that talks about gender, self care and friendships and it meets in room 323 on Tuesdays at lunch.
-BSU, or the Black Student Union covers the topics of current events, black minds throughout history, Pan-Africanism, cultures in various african countries that is presented by the union members. EVERYONE is WELCOME! They meet on Thursdays in room 316 at lunch.
-QT club is for queer and trans people to have a “chill time with snacks” the QT club meets every Friday at lunch in room 323.
-Latinos Unidos is a club that is dedicated to highlighting the Latin American community. I talked to the founder of Latinos Unidos, Tati Cordoba, and she said that “this club is to educate everyone” Latina, Black, White, Asian, that there is “more than just Mexico or Spain”. She wants to inform people so that they can know the culture of all these other countries that are being overlooked Latinos Unidos meets in room 316 at lunch on Tuesdays.
-Womxn of color is a new club that will be meeting in room 316 on Wednesday. I talked to one of the founders of this club, Malaya Conui, and I asked what their inspiration was for starting this club. “It's really important to have a space where women of color can have their voices heard,”she responded, also mentioning that they want to go to fundraisers for women of color. The club will talk about issues surrounding their “various, complex identities.” They want to help teach women of color about successful women of color and how they can be. It's a club that will help women of color feel supported and have a say. They will be talking about.“intersections between race and feminism.”
-Student academic support club. I talked to Julia Hopkins, the founder of the club, and she was telling me that she want to have a class that helps students so that they feel supported and won’t fall behind. She talked to me about how to help students learn tricks to “manipulate” the system, like if you need to record what your teacher is saying so that you can listen to again later on because they don't put information on the board. She said how she feels that the school system in the United States Is awful and that we can not do anything as students right now but just try to learn. We can try to fix the school system once we are adults.
I stopped by the Pink Club and sat in to hear about what they do.. The Pink Club is a breast cancer awareness club who helps to educate people on the importance of breast cancer and how to self check to see if you have breast cancer. In addition, this club helps students who have been affected by breast cancer whether that is friends or family. “Through Bake sales, community outreach, volunteering, and activities revolving around fitness and health, we aim to reduce the probability of first time breast cancer for many, especially in our generation”. The Pink Club has fundraisers and send the donations to research to people who are currently battling with breast cancer. The club also helps with checking in on people's health history, if they are eating healthy, and fitness which are all keys components to reducing the chances of getting breast cancer.
OSA also has clubs for people who want to learn more skills and enjoy themselves. We have Robotics, a club that takes no experience beforehand—just show up if you are interested in robotics, coding, or mechanical engineering. It’s held at lunch in room 338 on Thursdays.
Are you into acting on the fly, yeah? Then come to Improv and have a great time go to room 221 at lunch every Thursday to hangout with Ms. Bush and learn the nuances of improv acting.
Are you interested in starting your own club? Then you will need to go to the teach of Leadership, Ms. Plet. She’ll give you a form that you’ll need to fill out. You will need a day, classroom, and a teacher that say they will watch over the class. You will also need to give a small write up of what your club is about and why you want the club.