"It’s Valentine’s Day month and lots of feelings are surfacing, but through all of the confusion one question remains. Are sixth graders too young to date?" -- JOAQUIN ANTONIO MONTES DE OCA CALICA SEIN TORRES
It’s Valentine’s Day month and lots of feelings are surfacing, but through all of the confusion one question remains. Are sixth graders too young to date? There were mixed opinions on the matter.
“I think it’s okay for two people to like each other but maybe not take it as far as kissing and etcetera.” Lana Evju, a sixth-grader said, “It should be a young and innocent relationship. You shouldn’t rely on the person for everything. It’s fine but I wouldn’t support it 100 percent. It’s not important [to be in a serious relationship in the sixth grade], but if you feel a need or want to be in a relationship, it’s your choice.” When asked if she thought that feeling a need to be in a relationship is okay, she replied, “Sort of but it might be an effect of the social appeal of people being in a relationship.”
“Yes, they are too young. Here is my informed reason. [the sixth-graders] see all these glorified relationships in the media and they don't understand what a real relationship is.” Said Charlotte Porter, an eighth-grader, “They don't know about give and take, taking time for each and other all that jazz.” When asked if she thought that getting involved in a serious relationship in the sixth grade was worthwhile , she replied firmly, “No. that's just straight up no, you shouldn't do that. I think 8th grade is when you [can] start.” And concluded with, “If you are dating in sixth grade, tread lightly.”
Another sixth-grade student said that while experimenting with appropriate relationships in the sixth-grade are okay, being involved in serious relationships is not.
“I think that it’s stupid for sixth-graders to date other sixth graders because they are too young and it would mean nothing.” Cleo Menconi, a sixth grader, commented, ”It might mean something but all in all, it will probably be dropped very quickly. Especially if they are in the same emphasis because if they broke up it would be very awkward for the rest of the year. I don't really feel like eleven and twelve-year-olds are ready to date. I guess it depends on what type of person because there are some hecklers in this school.”
And while the general opinion seems to be that sixth-graders are indeed too young to date, not everyone shares that opinion. Take Triece Kushner for example. Kushner is a sixth grader who says that they support sixth-grade dating. “It's okay, it's fine.” Triece answered, “If you’re mature and you both know that you like each other then obviously I think it would be okay. I dated Kevin in kindergarten.” Although Kushner did add, “I still don’t get dating. Relationships can be fun and free but they can also be sucky. I speak from experience.”
Although some students have different answers, most people agreed that the best age to begin “dating” would be around thirteen. Most people said things like “Sixth-graders aren’t ready….” But just from interviewing these few sixth graders, It is easy to tell that they might know a lot more about young relationships than they think they do.
“I think it’s okay for two people to like each other but maybe not take it as far as kissing and etcetera.” Lana Evju, a sixth-grader said, “It should be a young and innocent relationship. You shouldn’t rely on the person for everything. It’s fine but I wouldn’t support it 100 percent. It’s not important [to be in a serious relationship in the sixth grade], but if you feel a need or want to be in a relationship, it’s your choice.” When asked if she thought that feeling a need to be in a relationship is okay, she replied, “Sort of but it might be an effect of the social appeal of people being in a relationship.”
“Yes, they are too young. Here is my informed reason. [the sixth-graders] see all these glorified relationships in the media and they don't understand what a real relationship is.” Said Charlotte Porter, an eighth-grader, “They don't know about give and take, taking time for each and other all that jazz.” When asked if she thought that getting involved in a serious relationship in the sixth grade was worthwhile , she replied firmly, “No. that's just straight up no, you shouldn't do that. I think 8th grade is when you [can] start.” And concluded with, “If you are dating in sixth grade, tread lightly.”
Another sixth-grade student said that while experimenting with appropriate relationships in the sixth-grade are okay, being involved in serious relationships is not.
“I think that it’s stupid for sixth-graders to date other sixth graders because they are too young and it would mean nothing.” Cleo Menconi, a sixth grader, commented, ”It might mean something but all in all, it will probably be dropped very quickly. Especially if they are in the same emphasis because if they broke up it would be very awkward for the rest of the year. I don't really feel like eleven and twelve-year-olds are ready to date. I guess it depends on what type of person because there are some hecklers in this school.”
And while the general opinion seems to be that sixth-graders are indeed too young to date, not everyone shares that opinion. Take Triece Kushner for example. Kushner is a sixth grader who says that they support sixth-grade dating. “It's okay, it's fine.” Triece answered, “If you’re mature and you both know that you like each other then obviously I think it would be okay. I dated Kevin in kindergarten.” Although Kushner did add, “I still don’t get dating. Relationships can be fun and free but they can also be sucky. I speak from experience.”
Although some students have different answers, most people agreed that the best age to begin “dating” would be around thirteen. Most people said things like “Sixth-graders aren’t ready….” But just from interviewing these few sixth graders, It is easy to tell that they might know a lot more about young relationships than they think they do.