"You sleep every day. But do you know why? Dive into the wonders of sleep." --Zoe Deetz , 6th grade
To begin we will enter rem sleep. Rem sleep is a deep stage of sleep, For example when you have a dream that feels as if you are presently there. That would be called rem sleep.
When you fall asleep it is most likely that the melatonin in your body has not yet fully developed. That being said, it will take a while to enter rem sleep.
Once your brain enters rem sleep it will collect past experiences and alter them. When scientists used the EEG (electroencephalogram) to track brain waves they made a groundbreaking discovery. Your brain is just as active when you're asleep as when you’re awake.
An EEG is used to track and measure your brain waves for example if the waves are fast the doctor can right away know that it’s Gamma Brainwaves which, according to sinhaclinic.com,is a “mental, intellectual activity and outwardly focused concentration.”
Moving into the melatonin process, melatonin is a hormone you produce before bed. It takes one hour and thirty minutes to fully produce, but when you stare at a blue light which is found in electronics it will jumble up the melatonin process, forcing it to restart.
Now that we have covered the basics of rem sleep and melatonin, we will move into napping and education. How do they connect?
Imagine your brain and how it stores information: it works kind of like file cabinets. When you fill them with paper they end up overflowing. The paper will act as an information and file cabinet as storage.
In order to prevent the cabinets from overflowing, you need to clear space. When you sleep this will organize the information and the sooner you sleep the more likely you are to remember the information.
When you fall asleep it is most likely that the melatonin in your body has not yet fully developed. That being said, it will take a while to enter rem sleep.
Once your brain enters rem sleep it will collect past experiences and alter them. When scientists used the EEG (electroencephalogram) to track brain waves they made a groundbreaking discovery. Your brain is just as active when you're asleep as when you’re awake.
An EEG is used to track and measure your brain waves for example if the waves are fast the doctor can right away know that it’s Gamma Brainwaves which, according to sinhaclinic.com,is a “mental, intellectual activity and outwardly focused concentration.”
Moving into the melatonin process, melatonin is a hormone you produce before bed. It takes one hour and thirty minutes to fully produce, but when you stare at a blue light which is found in electronics it will jumble up the melatonin process, forcing it to restart.
Now that we have covered the basics of rem sleep and melatonin, we will move into napping and education. How do they connect?
Imagine your brain and how it stores information: it works kind of like file cabinets. When you fill them with paper they end up overflowing. The paper will act as an information and file cabinet as storage.
In order to prevent the cabinets from overflowing, you need to clear space. When you sleep this will organize the information and the sooner you sleep the more likely you are to remember the information.