'many kids suffer from mental health problems, and covid has increased this stress from isolation, and DISTANCED learning' --ynez foxe-robertson, 7th grade
During covid 19, there were problems with shipping, hospitals, but also with mental health, mostly in small children. During covid 19, they developed habits, like avoiding people, or seeing covid as a monster. Living in a world where you can only see half of someone's face, or even have to worry if you were exposed to someone, it seems like a strange world when you say it out loud, and it is, but it’s the normal world for the small children who were born into it.
As covid was solidified and became clear that it wasn't going away anytime soon it became obvious that it was going to be longer, and definitely more boring, than the fires that required us to wear masks. Covid changed our daily routines and school days, or even work days, students and teachers had the dramatic change of learning online. “The pandemic may subside, but its mental health effects will be around much longer”, Sharon Hoover, co-director of the University of the National Center for School Mental Health said, in the article, covid harmed kids mental health-and schools are feeling it, by Christine Vestal.
Adjusting back into school was an odd task, identifying faces and even teachers was difficult, but what was really difficult was the school yard, according to Vincent Foxe-Robertson, “The other day each class got assigned a piece of the yard, I didn’t like this, and I didn’t ask for it,” he explained in his interview, “but I have gotten to know my friends better, because it’s a smaller class.”. There are pros and cons at his elementary school. He also explained he saw covid 19 as the pictures he saw, but with a blurred , and angry face. he explained that he thought that covid 19 wanted revenge.
Covid is even seen as a monster to some older kids as well as younger. ‘ The thing that's so scary is Things would never go back to normal, the feeling that even though you're safe and things are getting better, you have been defeated by this virus and your whole world has been turned upside down, without you controlling it’ said Calliope Dean, a 7th grader from O.S.A. She explained that covid caused fears that seemed as though it was ever going to end, even if there was a possibility that she couldn’t catch the virus, it would still be unearthly and unnatural, making the point because even if some of us are immune to the actual virus, we would still be affected by the social effects of the corona virus.
‘The fact that it’s killing people, and that now it’s been more contagious, I’m scared it’s not going to end,Calliope also said, which was a fear that many kids had, some even had the thought of loss of family members and what covid might mean to those that had more of a risk. Even though it’s as though we have all had it’s like a cold stone was thrown at you, really hard, and really fast, it’s more than a shocker, it’s as though you're just realizing how deadly this virus can be.
Shutting down schools was a necessary but hard task, and one that didn't benefit kids' mental health. With a lack of social interactions kids became more and more like they were sitting and waiting for class to be over, and there was no reward, which was usually interacting and talking with their friends. I think at first a break from school sounded pretty good and safe, until the first and second day died off and we were all clicking buttons on your computers all day, and not really interacting with the teacher, or even our family members. Even on the weekends it seemed dull, and it was so scary when you're a young kid, to think about people dying when on top you have to worry about school, or even how you can’t see your friends anymore, in or out of school.
Covid had a strong mental effect on kids of all ages, and there were so many reasons and elements to this idea. Especially kids born into covid, as they were young and still understanding how the world operated, so it would make sense they would get used to only seeing half their friends faces and having to stay away from the friends they knew and loved. We all hope that covid ends soon and that this wave of sadness washes over us and leaves. Stay safe, wear a mask, so we can get through with this, and we can all be happy together.
As covid was solidified and became clear that it wasn't going away anytime soon it became obvious that it was going to be longer, and definitely more boring, than the fires that required us to wear masks. Covid changed our daily routines and school days, or even work days, students and teachers had the dramatic change of learning online. “The pandemic may subside, but its mental health effects will be around much longer”, Sharon Hoover, co-director of the University of the National Center for School Mental Health said, in the article, covid harmed kids mental health-and schools are feeling it, by Christine Vestal.
Adjusting back into school was an odd task, identifying faces and even teachers was difficult, but what was really difficult was the school yard, according to Vincent Foxe-Robertson, “The other day each class got assigned a piece of the yard, I didn’t like this, and I didn’t ask for it,” he explained in his interview, “but I have gotten to know my friends better, because it’s a smaller class.”. There are pros and cons at his elementary school. He also explained he saw covid 19 as the pictures he saw, but with a blurred , and angry face. he explained that he thought that covid 19 wanted revenge.
Covid is even seen as a monster to some older kids as well as younger. ‘ The thing that's so scary is Things would never go back to normal, the feeling that even though you're safe and things are getting better, you have been defeated by this virus and your whole world has been turned upside down, without you controlling it’ said Calliope Dean, a 7th grader from O.S.A. She explained that covid caused fears that seemed as though it was ever going to end, even if there was a possibility that she couldn’t catch the virus, it would still be unearthly and unnatural, making the point because even if some of us are immune to the actual virus, we would still be affected by the social effects of the corona virus.
‘The fact that it’s killing people, and that now it’s been more contagious, I’m scared it’s not going to end,Calliope also said, which was a fear that many kids had, some even had the thought of loss of family members and what covid might mean to those that had more of a risk. Even though it’s as though we have all had it’s like a cold stone was thrown at you, really hard, and really fast, it’s more than a shocker, it’s as though you're just realizing how deadly this virus can be.
Shutting down schools was a necessary but hard task, and one that didn't benefit kids' mental health. With a lack of social interactions kids became more and more like they were sitting and waiting for class to be over, and there was no reward, which was usually interacting and talking with their friends. I think at first a break from school sounded pretty good and safe, until the first and second day died off and we were all clicking buttons on your computers all day, and not really interacting with the teacher, or even our family members. Even on the weekends it seemed dull, and it was so scary when you're a young kid, to think about people dying when on top you have to worry about school, or even how you can’t see your friends anymore, in or out of school.
Covid had a strong mental effect on kids of all ages, and there were so many reasons and elements to this idea. Especially kids born into covid, as they were young and still understanding how the world operated, so it would make sense they would get used to only seeing half their friends faces and having to stay away from the friends they knew and loved. We all hope that covid ends soon and that this wave of sadness washes over us and leaves. Stay safe, wear a mask, so we can get through with this, and we can all be happy together.