"In times of isolation you may lose track of your self care. It is always important to stay healthy in all ways, at all times. Sometimes it can be extra challenging to remember to care for yourself. I have compiled 12 ways of self care in categories of physical, mental, and emotional. Each category has four ways of self care to help you keep on track."
--Isabella Schainker, 6th Grade
12 - Exercise Your Body for a Balanced Mind - According to Inc.com, a little exercise will go a long way in reducing stress. Even a brief exercise in the morning can motivate you to be energized and ready for the day ahead. When Exercising in a small or limited area, you may call for different ways of exercise. Lifting every day home weights and or doing yoga are easy ways to exercise that can still be comfortable and contained. Set your alarm for a little earlier and do something comfortable enough for the mornings, that still allows your mind to awaken and start with a fresh feeling of a new day.
11 - Shower -
Taking a shower in times of stress and anxiety can often be the reboot needed to continue with a new state of mind. Showering in the morning can be a great way to give you the rejuvenating burst of energy you need to start off your day. According to Healthline.com, a cold shower can not only increase your blood circulation but it can be refreshing and wash away toxins that have been developed through sleep.
10 - Drink Water -
According to UnitedWay.Org, because the body is primarily composed of water, staying hydrated is crucial to your physical health. Staying properly hydrated helps the body's cells to function more efficiently. According to WebMD.com, cells that don't maintain their balance of fluids such as water, will not work properly and their performance can suffer. This can include muscle, blood, and brain cells.
9 - Sleep -
Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. According to Inc.com, sleep impacts your creativity, mood, patience, and physical and mental health. During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In children and teens, sleep also helps support growth and development. Though sleep is healthy, everything should stay in moderation, in this time you may be tempted to over sleep. Children and Teenagers need at least 8 hours to have proper function the next day, adults also require 7-9 hours per night. It is also important to keep a regular schedule and not change your sleeping hours depending on the day.
8 - Talk Positive -
According to PsychologyToday.com, research shows that how you think about yourself can have a powerful effect on how you feel. When we perceive our self and our life negatively, we can often end up viewing experiences in a way that confirms that notion. Instead, practice using words that promote feelings of positivity.
7 - Eat a Good Meal -
According to PsychologyToday.com, what you eat nourishes your whole body and brain. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with nutrients, feeding every cell of your body, such as those that affect mood in the brain. Include foods with Omega-3 found in fish, nuts, seeds, and certain plants and vegetables. Research shows that these nutrients can improve mood and restore proper function to the brain cells.
6 - Give Yourself a Goal -
When you have purpose or something you are trying to reach, you are more engaged and active in your world. Goals provide something to work towards with others or alone. According to LeadtoImpact.com, goals give you a starting point and a destination to reach. The process of setting your goals helps you clarify what you want or need to do, understand the importance of pursuing that thing and committing yourself to making that happen. The goals can be small and insignificant but they are helpful in many ways.
5 - Take a Break -
Taking breaks is important to any daily work life. Give yourself enough time to think and do your work, and remember that you can schedule breaks to recharge energy. According to LearningLiftOff.com, you may get overwhelmed when you are expected to spend the entire day focused on classroom instruction. You may have little time to enjoy creativity, think outside of work, or reset your brain. This combination can lead to stress, which has impacts on your health and learning capabilities.
4 - Let the Emotions Out -
Storing all of your feelings inside is unhealthy and can cause you to lose thought function. According to PsychologyToday.com, the reality is that you cannot numb just one emotion, our bodies are not meant to hold emotions inside, and this can result in your emotions to be uncontrolled. Avoiding your feelings, may help you experience less sadness and anger, but they also stop you from feeling happiness and joy. Part of the amazing thing about being human is that we are able to have a range of emotions. It is important to let the feelings out in a safe and stable way.
3 - Laugh -
The truth is that laughter is a strong medicine, According to HelpGuide.com, laughter decreases stress, increases immune cells, and infection-fighting antibodies, improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Some laughter needed, here is a start on some easy ways to receive the feel-good laughs: Candid Camera Classics, AFV
2 - Don’t Take Things Personally -
Stated by PsychCenteral.com, we have little control over how others view us and relate to us. We have more control over how we view ourselves and the situation, and how we respond to it. If we take time to think, we can gain some distance from the situation rather than to be personally offended and react quickly and or mindlessly to the situation, people, or communication. Some tips for this would be to change your perspective, then observe the others, and contemplate a solution, resolution, or retreat to the problem.
1 - Create Energy Boundaries -
You are the master of what energy you let into your life. You may set boundaries for yourself and how you want to act and or communicate. Creating energy boundaries is a personalized method that you form over time, but it can be difficult to set at first so here is a start. You can start by understanding which emotions you want to keep inside and which you want to express. Then throughout the day, focus on how you feel, and remind yourself of the set emotions you have chosen. Spoken by GabbyBernstien.com, when you are highly sensitive, it’s easy to pick up the energy of people around you. And, even if you’re not highly sensitive, it’s important to create healthy boundaries in order to protect your energy.
In conclusion, there is so much in the world right now to be anxious about. By focusing your attention on practicing these key physical, emotional, and mental tips, you can stay healthy and happy. I hope this list leads you to a better well-being and a controlled state of mind. It is okay to take things at your own pace, slip up, and forget, just remember these ideas and practice any that catch your eye.