The newest and fastest traveling meme of all time has been established: THE DRESS. It may sound like something extremely significant, but it really isn't.

The dress originated on Tumblr, where all weird memes originate. It had taken over the Internet within two days, which is abnormally fast for a meme. On average, it takes about a week for a meme to take over the entirety of Tumblr, let alone the whole Internet.
The dress is literally what it sounds like: a dress. The color of the dress is what makes it so fascinating. In the original picture of the dress, the background is quite bright, but the dress looks darker, like it has shadows on it. The thing that makes the dress so fascinating is the question that everyone is debating in Tumblr posts, comment sections, and statuses alike - what color is this dress?
The dress is literally what it sounds like: a dress. The color of the dress is what makes it so fascinating. In the original picture of the dress, the background is quite bright, but the dress looks darker, like it has shadows on it. The thing that makes the dress so fascinating is the question that everyone is debating in Tumblr posts, comment sections, and statuses alike - what color is this dress?

To some, the dress looks white and gold (that’s how I see it), but to others, the dress is blue and black. This is because of the shadows and the background light in the picture. Here's a bit of science; when we see color, we are really seeing the reflection of light on a surface. Our eyes subtract the color of the light in the background from the actual color reflecting from a surface, allowing us to see that true color.
In this case, those who see white and gold see the background as synthetic light, and subtract the blue color. Those who see blue and black, which is the actual color of the dress, see the background as natural light, and subtract the gold color.
In this case, those who see white and gold see the background as synthetic light, and subtract the blue color. Those who see blue and black, which is the actual color of the dress, see the background as natural light, and subtract the gold color.
There has been quite heated discussions on all social media platforms, and many, many jokes created because of this. Here are some funny examples:
For those of you who haven’t seen the dress, and have no idea what I am talking about, get out from under that rock and experience the magic of computers. And for those of you who are just like me and are constantly trying to see which colors you see the dress as, here is a picture:
Which colors do you see the dress as; white and gold, or black and blue?