“My America is constantly threatened, by boys playing in their fathers cowboy hats, and their grandfathers ideologies. “-Jada White, 11th Grade.

Since primary school, one would be led to believe little things like standing up at baseball games and singing a racist song is a form of patriotism, that things like red and white striped war paint across your cheeks is a thanks to the country you live in, and thus being pained if an American refuses to do those small acts of worship. When Colin Kapernick decided to take a knee in 2016, 12 year old me realized the one and true divide between the two Americas. My America is constantly threatened, by boys playing in their fathers cowboy hats, and their grandfathers ideologies. By little girls walking their dogs, with their mothers sly tongue, and the tust they’ve earned over time from slave patrols. On the contrary, the other America stay warm in their suburban homes, with their Christmas mugs, not aware their fireplace is fueled by Black bodies.
We’ve always told our young ones these naive fairy tales, to polish their imagination, but it hurts to see some people are still allowed to believe in them. Although little Black children are more accustomed to a different optimism. The optimism that fueled Malcolm, or Martin, or even Angela, but that optimism was born out the fear American Patriotism bred. Throughout our history books, we have always seen the proud, and victorious, we have always seen them pointing their guns, shouting their hoo-rahs and have won trophies for doing so, but we have done so in the comfort we weren't the ones they were shooting at.
On January 6th, 2021 the true measure of American prioritization hit me like a lightning bolt. This cannot simply be called white privilege, this demonstration of absolute entitlement and fear are the founding fathers of white supremacy. A belief that has helped with the construction of this country, who has held the hands of our leaders, and patted the heads of their off-spring. Though this system of power stands so strong over my America, it’s knees tremble when we shout back. It is so fragile, yet it is still a custom, an art, and a knowledge. American patriotism is White supremacist golden egg. It is a conjunction. An act simultaneously being fueled by love and hate.
There was an instance in the night of the DC riots. An instance in which Patriotism unveiled itself in front of me like a villain from a childhood sitcom. I saw a man, stomping on a white,black, and blue flag, pointing at cops ``I was there for you”, he shouted. I then understood the love he had for those blue lives, was only there to serve as a paper weight to the hate he had for my Black one. He paraded on that representation of authority like a 5 year old would in the sand box, his fingers pointing into the cops faces, shouting, tongues sticking out, as if somebody snatched his pacifier away from him.
Walking in front of self-proclaimed soldiers, puts you in a position to become a martyr for a cause you were born into. It forces you to stand at attention and paint star-shaped freckles
We’ve always told our young ones these naive fairy tales, to polish their imagination, but it hurts to see some people are still allowed to believe in them. Although little Black children are more accustomed to a different optimism. The optimism that fueled Malcolm, or Martin, or even Angela, but that optimism was born out the fear American Patriotism bred. Throughout our history books, we have always seen the proud, and victorious, we have always seen them pointing their guns, shouting their hoo-rahs and have won trophies for doing so, but we have done so in the comfort we weren't the ones they were shooting at.
On January 6th, 2021 the true measure of American prioritization hit me like a lightning bolt. This cannot simply be called white privilege, this demonstration of absolute entitlement and fear are the founding fathers of white supremacy. A belief that has helped with the construction of this country, who has held the hands of our leaders, and patted the heads of their off-spring. Though this system of power stands so strong over my America, it’s knees tremble when we shout back. It is so fragile, yet it is still a custom, an art, and a knowledge. American patriotism is White supremacist golden egg. It is a conjunction. An act simultaneously being fueled by love and hate.
There was an instance in the night of the DC riots. An instance in which Patriotism unveiled itself in front of me like a villain from a childhood sitcom. I saw a man, stomping on a white,black, and blue flag, pointing at cops ``I was there for you”, he shouted. I then understood the love he had for those blue lives, was only there to serve as a paper weight to the hate he had for my Black one. He paraded on that representation of authority like a 5 year old would in the sand box, his fingers pointing into the cops faces, shouting, tongues sticking out, as if somebody snatched his pacifier away from him.
Walking in front of self-proclaimed soldiers, puts you in a position to become a martyr for a cause you were born into. It forces you to stand at attention and paint star-shaped freckles