"What happens when you lose your teeth? I dunno, never was born with any." -- Monet Montgomery
Teeth, the most decorative bone in your body. Or is it? Sure, fillings are a way to ensure that you can keep your teeth, along with root canals. But, what if it made you sick?
A few months ago, while scrolling on Netflix, trying to decide weather to watch The Dragon Prince, or watch my favorite crime T.V. show Forensic Files, I stumbled across this crazy documentary called Root Cause, which was something about teeth. I currently have braces and mercury fillings, so I thought it to be something of interest.
According to Root Cause, your teeth are not just for show. They have tubules, small, microscopic veins inside the root of your teeth. When you get a root canal, they supposedly cut all of these tubules off to remove bacteria, fill in the hole in your tooth with cement, “...and you’re on your merry way…” (Root Cause, 3:12)
This is wrong.
In fact, tubules are so tiny that not all of them can be cut as easily. This means that the warm tooth and gum will be swarmed with bacteria. Root Cause also explains meridians, which are nerves in the body. Most people assume that the tooth is a mannequin, something that has no effect on the body, which is completely untrue because your teeth are assigned their own meridian.
A few months ago, while scrolling on Netflix, trying to decide weather to watch The Dragon Prince, or watch my favorite crime T.V. show Forensic Files, I stumbled across this crazy documentary called Root Cause, which was something about teeth. I currently have braces and mercury fillings, so I thought it to be something of interest.
According to Root Cause, your teeth are not just for show. They have tubules, small, microscopic veins inside the root of your teeth. When you get a root canal, they supposedly cut all of these tubules off to remove bacteria, fill in the hole in your tooth with cement, “...and you’re on your merry way…” (Root Cause, 3:12)
This is wrong.
In fact, tubules are so tiny that not all of them can be cut as easily. This means that the warm tooth and gum will be swarmed with bacteria. Root Cause also explains meridians, which are nerves in the body. Most people assume that the tooth is a mannequin, something that has no effect on the body, which is completely untrue because your teeth are assigned their own meridian.