Beyond the people who truly make america great, or as close as we can get in times like these, Melania forgot those special places that have served countless Americans.
-Sunari Weaver-Anderson
This year, FLOTUS Melania Trump went all out for the White House’s Christmas Decor. In opposition to last years “Trump-selected theme of white,” her use of red was heavily noted. Citing the red accents in the presidential seal as a inspiration for this year’s color theme, Trump wants this Christmas to be about the patriotism and heritage of America. She says, “Our theme honors the heart and spirit of the American people.” While this is a touching gesture, I believe it’s important to take a gander into the frivolously decorated White House, and make note of what Mrs. Trump missed in her “American Treasures” themed Christmas.
1. Grammar
This year, the first lady’s oddly worded campaign slogan made its way across ornaments this year, in glossy blue and red letters. When her child development agenda was announced in May of this year, the internet went berserk, with comedians and politicians alike, in response. Aparna Nancherla, comedian, joked that “‘Be best’ sounds like an entire campaign based on an autocorrect error.” While many others cited Michelle Obama’s “Be Better” response to Oprah last year, as the original to this sad imitation. Either way, “Be Best” sounds odd to the best.
This year, the first lady’s oddly worded campaign slogan made its way across ornaments this year, in glossy blue and red letters. When her child development agenda was announced in May of this year, the internet went berserk, with comedians and politicians alike, in response. Aparna Nancherla, comedian, joked that “‘Be best’ sounds like an entire campaign based on an autocorrect error.” While many others cited Michelle Obama’s “Be Better” response to Oprah last year, as the original to this sad imitation. Either way, “Be Best” sounds odd to the best.
2. Children in America Right Now …@ImmigrationPolicy
In the Winter Wonderland that is Melania Trump’s White House decor, she includes a “Red Room,” in which she says “guests will be able to celebrate children through the décor, which displays ways in which children can excel in their own path.” Even her own “Be Best” is supposed to “center on helping children.” Even though, with current policy, every adult caught crossing the border is considered criminal, making the separation of child and parent inevitable. After separation these migrant children are put into foster care or government facilitates, for days or weeks until their nearest relative can be contacted. And, in May of this year, the American Civil Liberties Union released a report documenting hundreds of “verbal, physical and sexual abuse” claims by unaccompanied children, thanks to Border Patrol.
Besides, if you hadn't been told that this room was dedicated to childhood achievement, would you know? Seems fitting.
3. Green Christmas Trees
No, your eyes do not deceive you, these red cones are in fact Trump requested Christmas Trees.
4. Climate Change, what is bountiful now, may not be bountiful for long.
As one of her American Treasures, Melania includes a “Green Room,” a homage to the country’s “bounty and harvest.” However, with climate change projected to affect rain frequency, heat waves and plant productivity, our agricultural industry may be greatly affected. With a National Geographic report estimating a sharp drop in crop yields. America currently holds the top spot as a global corn supplier, yet this corn yield is expected to go down by nearly a quarter over the next 32 years.
5. What America Should Really Treasure
Beyond the people who truly make america great, or as close as we can get in times like these, Melania forgot those special places that have served countless Americans.
Here’s to them:
Here’s to them: