The 2016 election has brought distress, controversy, and emotional turmoil to many. In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s election, people have searched for reassurance of what is to come in the next four years. One of the more popular comments uttered in the past four months is, “It’s okay, Trump will probably be assassinated anyway”—a statement that is both violent and inaccurate. If Donald Trump is assassinated, it most definitely will not be okay, because the man who would take his place is Mike Pence.
On January 20th, Mike Pence will be elected Vice President, one of the most powerful positions in the country, yet people still don’t seem to know much about him. Pence has been in office since 2000 and was elected Indiana governor in 2012. He likes to describe himself as “a Christian, conservative, and a Republican, in that order.” However, Mr. Pence hasn’t always been the Republican he claims to be. He actually grew up in a Democratic household. Somewhere in his life his political identity drastically changed and now he is a calculating conservative in line to be the next Vice President of the United States.
On January 20th, Mike Pence will be elected Vice President, one of the most powerful positions in the country, yet people still don’t seem to know much about him. Pence has been in office since 2000 and was elected Indiana governor in 2012. He likes to describe himself as “a Christian, conservative, and a Republican, in that order.” However, Mr. Pence hasn’t always been the Republican he claims to be. He actually grew up in a Democratic household. Somewhere in his life his political identity drastically changed and now he is a calculating conservative in line to be the next Vice President of the United States.
Mike Pence is outspoken in his support of the pro-life movement. He is a leader of the movement to defund Planned Parenthood, something that would have an extreme impact on many women’s lives. As Governor of Indiana he signed a bill to ban abortion, even if the fetus had a “genetic abnormality.” Mr. Pence also opposed federal funding for people with HIV or AIDS to receive treatment. Pence is notoriously homophobic, helping pass laws permitting discrimination against LGBTQ+ people and promoting “reparative therapy,” psychological therapy used to reverse same-sex attraction.
Furthermore, Pence is in full support of the deportation of undocumented immigrants. In 2006, he proposed an immigration compromise that would have undocumented immigrants “self-deport” before legally immigrating to the U.S. His plan didn’t include any way for these people to gain citizenship.
Mike Pence doesn’t prioritize public education. As Governor of Indiana, he relocated $53 million dollars in the past two years from funding for public schools to fund vouchers for private schools and charter schools. However, Mr. Pence is supportive of reforming education in some aspects. He has worked in the past to establish an affordable preschool program for low income children.
Pence has been given a grade “A” rating from the National Rifle Association. While this is unsurprising, it is important to note that gun control laws will most likely not be supported by either of the people controlling the Executive branch of our government. In Congress, his positions are questionable. He voted for the Iraq war and has called for an increase in military spending. He is not opposed to violence and has outwardly supported “tough interrogation measures” for prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. |
Mr. Pence appears to be a respected politician and model for a stable vice president to balance Donald Trump’s unpredictability. Known for being “personal friends” with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Pence is a spokesperson for the Republican party. He has been married to wife Karen since 1985 and has three children. His wife is an entrepreneur herself, owning a business called “That’s My Towel!” Charms Inc., a company that sells charms to put on towels. Despite his clean appearance, Mike Pence is a man with a troubling history, including using political donations to pay the mortgage on his house, his personal credit card bill, groceries, golf tournament fees, and car payments for his wife.
The most terrifying part of the soon-to-be Vice President is that he knows what he’s doing. Mike Pence is aware of his every thought and action and will carry out his calculated plans while hiding behind the president. We should cross our fingers that he isn’t given any more power than he already has.