He became more than just a rapper he became an activist, entrepreneur, and a great man overall.- Mia Haskins
We lost Ermias Joseph “Nipsey Hussle” Asghedom March 31 on a Sunday, I feel like I lost a brother, uncle, cousin. I lost my brother through Christ- my mom likes to say things happen for a reason but this one I can’t see why god would do this. Nipsey Hussle was born in Los Angeles, California to his mother, father, and older brother. He left behind two kids; Emani Asghedom, Kross Asghedom, and wife Lauren London. He was raised around his mother's side of the family who were african american and his father. His father was an immigrant for a country in Northeast Africa named Eritrea. When Nipsey was 18 he went and stayed for three months and described the trip as life changing and gave him a different view on life. This a man who was in no way perfect but was being the best man he could be to his family, friends, and community. I’ve never been so affected by a celebrity's death until now. I was a fan of Nipsey’s music and also his work in the community - he was more than just a rapper, he was a leader. He was bettering his community and his people despite his past. For centuries people have looked at men of color as an statistic, Nipsey made sure that he would become more than a gangbanger, or someone in the streets who doesn't care about his future. In fact he was the total opposite, Nip hustled to get where he was today, never asked anyone for a handout and always found a way to provide for himself and his family. He is a well known Crip from the Rolling 60’s in Los Angeles, CA- but he didn’t let that define him. Everywhere he went he was respected and loved, he spoke so much knowledge that only a few heard, after his passing hopefully the whole world will hear.
Ermias was so smart and articulate, he had so much knowledge on so many topics that I wished I had read up on. He was someone that our young people could look up to and aspire to be, he gave hope that you can make it our the streets. You may be wondering how this has anything to do with me, it does because he gave HOPE. The way his story began was similar to a lot of other black men that grow up in the hood. I have two brothers one is 13 and the other 11 months, they both have to be taught the edicate of how to act around police and different crowds just so they aren’t profiled. According to statistics he was supposed to be in jail or in the grave a long time ago. The police, government, even the school system tries to write a lot of men of color story and his wasn’t one of them. Instead he took control of the pencil and made it his, he became the author of his own story. He became more than just a rapper he became an activist, entrepreneur, and a great man overall.
Nip’s first debut album “Victory Lap”; was released in February of 2018 and was nominated for Best Rap Album in the 2019 Grammys. Prior to releasing his album he has 13 mixtapes including, The Marathon, Bullets Ain’t Got No Name (Vol 1, 2, 3.1) and Crenshaw. Nipsey released his album as an independent artist, releasing all his music through his label ‘All Money In Records’ with him owning all his masters all the earnings went to him. It took him about a year and half, days and nights in the studio to complete the Victory Lap album, he had features from many artist- YG, Puff Daddy, DOM KENNEDY, and Kendrick Lamar just name few. This had to be one of his best pieces of work, he speaks about things like Entrepreneurship, life experiences with gang violence, being motivational.
Ermias will always be remembered as someone who always did good for others and put them before himself. A quote that his wife Lauren London quoted him by at his homegoing read “The game is gonna test you, never fold. Stay 10 toes down- It’s not on you, it’s in you. And what’s in you they can’t take away”.