"This article has all of the OSA events coming up in February, so you don’t need to stress about forgetting one of the many exciting OSA opportunities!"--Carly thacker, 6th grade
February is one of the busiest months of the year, and one of the shortest. That means tightly packed holidays that come up fast — and events that pile up onto your calendar. Adding OSA events on top of that is a nightmare! This article has all of the OSA events coming up in February, so you don’t need to stress about forgetting one of the many exciting OSA opportunities!
Theater Preview - “Every man and Everybody”
The Theater Dept. is performing a preview of their play, “Every man and Everybody”, on February 1st, 7:00-9:30 pm. They will be previewing it at the Black Box theater. Make sure to stop by!
Theater Performance - ”Every man and Everybody”
Theater students will be performing a play on February 2nd, 2:00 pm-4:30 pm, and will be presenting at the Black Box theater. If you would like to watch the performance, make sure to visit the Black box theater.
OSA Auditions (Non internal)
Non-OSA students will have a second chance at auditioning into OSA on February 8th. Every Art Pathway will be looking for parent volunteers, so make sure to get in touch with the departments.
APT & Arts emphasis meeting
These meetings will be taking place at 5:30-8:00 pm, on February 11th. They will be met in the student center and the student’s art emphasis rooms.
5:30-6:00 pm is the social hours
6:00-7:00 pm is the APT meeting
7:00-8:00 pm is the emphasis meeting
Auditions for internal transfer
If you would like to audition for an internal transfer, please come on February 12th, 1:30-2:30 pm. The auditions will be at the main campus. If you have decided to do so, don’t forget to mark it onto your calendar!
Vocal music-”Songwriters valentine”
Vocal students will be performing on February 13th, 7:00 pm- 9:30 pm. This event will be performed at the Marion E Greene Black Box theater.
Literary Arts- High School winter reading
High school literary artists will be inviting you to their reading on February 14th, 6:00-8:00 pm, at the Black Box theater. Make sure to stop by!
Presidents day- No school
All OSA students will not be having school on February 17th. Make sure not to arrive at school on Monday!
OSA info night for rising 9th graders
9th graders will be attending the OSA info night on February 19, 6:00-8:00 pm. The students will begin the night in the student center. Don’t miss it!
APT board meeting
The APT board meeting will also be on February 19. The meeting will begin at 6:30-8:00 pm in room 269 B.
OSA board of directors meeting
The OSA board of directors meeting is on February 20. This meeting will begin at 6:30-8:00 pm in room 302.
Tentative piano duet concert
OSA pianists will be inviting you to their concert on February 21 and February 22, 6:00-8:00 pm at the Steinway Piano Gallery.
February is always the busiest month of the year, and always a hassle that adds up the stress with the odd holidays, and on top of that, the OSA events. I hope by the end of this article, you have wiped off the stress of February and now are prepared for one of the busiest months of the year.
Theater Preview - “Every man and Everybody”
The Theater Dept. is performing a preview of their play, “Every man and Everybody”, on February 1st, 7:00-9:30 pm. They will be previewing it at the Black Box theater. Make sure to stop by!
Theater Performance - ”Every man and Everybody”
Theater students will be performing a play on February 2nd, 2:00 pm-4:30 pm, and will be presenting at the Black Box theater. If you would like to watch the performance, make sure to visit the Black box theater.
OSA Auditions (Non internal)
Non-OSA students will have a second chance at auditioning into OSA on February 8th. Every Art Pathway will be looking for parent volunteers, so make sure to get in touch with the departments.
APT & Arts emphasis meeting
These meetings will be taking place at 5:30-8:00 pm, on February 11th. They will be met in the student center and the student’s art emphasis rooms.
5:30-6:00 pm is the social hours
6:00-7:00 pm is the APT meeting
7:00-8:00 pm is the emphasis meeting
Auditions for internal transfer
If you would like to audition for an internal transfer, please come on February 12th, 1:30-2:30 pm. The auditions will be at the main campus. If you have decided to do so, don’t forget to mark it onto your calendar!
Vocal music-”Songwriters valentine”
Vocal students will be performing on February 13th, 7:00 pm- 9:30 pm. This event will be performed at the Marion E Greene Black Box theater.
Literary Arts- High School winter reading
High school literary artists will be inviting you to their reading on February 14th, 6:00-8:00 pm, at the Black Box theater. Make sure to stop by!
Presidents day- No school
All OSA students will not be having school on February 17th. Make sure not to arrive at school on Monday!
OSA info night for rising 9th graders
9th graders will be attending the OSA info night on February 19, 6:00-8:00 pm. The students will begin the night in the student center. Don’t miss it!
APT board meeting
The APT board meeting will also be on February 19. The meeting will begin at 6:30-8:00 pm in room 269 B.
OSA board of directors meeting
The OSA board of directors meeting is on February 20. This meeting will begin at 6:30-8:00 pm in room 302.
Tentative piano duet concert
OSA pianists will be inviting you to their concert on February 21 and February 22, 6:00-8:00 pm at the Steinway Piano Gallery.
February is always the busiest month of the year, and always a hassle that adds up the stress with the odd holidays, and on top of that, the OSA events. I hope by the end of this article, you have wiped off the stress of February and now are prepared for one of the busiest months of the year.