"In an effort to avoid getting vaccinated, people are relying on getting infected with COVID as an alternate method of becoming immunized and obtaining their Green Pass."
– Holly Young, 8th Grade
This idea of immunization was brought to the public eye after the death of Czech folk singer, Hana Horka. In an interview with the BBC, her son said that she infected herself to get a recovery pass to perform at certain concert venues. When he and his father caught COVID in December, she acted as normal around them to catch it, he explained. She died just two days later.
European countries have strict vaccination standards, which has led to their citizens using all sorts of means to cheat the system. One man in Italy even tried to get a fake arm injected with the vaccine instead of his own, and there have been underground markets devoted to fake green passes.
Italy has become a haven for those who wish to infect themselves. People come from Austria and Germany, which are countries that have basically mandated vaccines, and hold parties in the North of Italy. They invite people who have tested positive for the virus and mingle as normal.
Patrick Frazione, the coordinator of the anti-Covid union in Bolzano told the Rai Alto Adige, “[They do this] to develop antibodies, and to obtain the green pass (vaccine passport) without vaccination.” At the time of the article, there was a party that hospitalized 3 people, including a child.
“They don’t realize how dangerous it is for the kids and young people,” Frazione said.
Even when they’re not sure if they’re infected, they can still pass the disease off to their at-risk parents and grandparents, their unvaccinated little siblings, anybody they come in contact with.
Of course, vaccinated people can still get COVID, but the antibodies in their system mean that they have less of a chance of death, hospitalization, and long-term consequences.
Long COVID-19 is a problematic issue many survivors of the disease have suffered. It includes shortness of breath, fatigue, coughing, and chest pain. Some people who caught COVID at the beginning of lockdown are still suffering from it.
As long as citizens refuse to get vaccinated, even ones who have already caught COVID, the world will continue to be in this situation. The best thing to do for yourself, and everybody else, is to simply get vaccinated.
European countries have strict vaccination standards, which has led to their citizens using all sorts of means to cheat the system. One man in Italy even tried to get a fake arm injected with the vaccine instead of his own, and there have been underground markets devoted to fake green passes.
Italy has become a haven for those who wish to infect themselves. People come from Austria and Germany, which are countries that have basically mandated vaccines, and hold parties in the North of Italy. They invite people who have tested positive for the virus and mingle as normal.
Patrick Frazione, the coordinator of the anti-Covid union in Bolzano told the Rai Alto Adige, “[They do this] to develop antibodies, and to obtain the green pass (vaccine passport) without vaccination.” At the time of the article, there was a party that hospitalized 3 people, including a child.
“They don’t realize how dangerous it is for the kids and young people,” Frazione said.
Even when they’re not sure if they’re infected, they can still pass the disease off to their at-risk parents and grandparents, their unvaccinated little siblings, anybody they come in contact with.
Of course, vaccinated people can still get COVID, but the antibodies in their system mean that they have less of a chance of death, hospitalization, and long-term consequences.
Long COVID-19 is a problematic issue many survivors of the disease have suffered. It includes shortness of breath, fatigue, coughing, and chest pain. Some people who caught COVID at the beginning of lockdown are still suffering from it.
As long as citizens refuse to get vaccinated, even ones who have already caught COVID, the world will continue to be in this situation. The best thing to do for yourself, and everybody else, is to simply get vaccinated.