I immediately fell in love with the sound of the new EP. It feels a little bit more experimental, but still has that distinct Hiatus Kaiyote sound: raw and real. -Elena Ruiz
The first time I was introduced to Hiatus Kaiyote was summer of 8th grade, going into my freshman year. I was making new friends, becoming more social and creative, letting my small soul explore its limits before I had to get serious for high school. My friend Sajdah had always been in the know of great music that our “clique” hadn’t discovered, showing us artists like Sampha, Jessie Ware, and Thundercat—but when she showed me Hiatus Kaiyote it was different. Hiatus Kaiyote is a neo-soul band of four from Australia, their sound is like something you’ve never heard before, with the original and beautiful raspy voice of lead singer, Nai Palm. They joined forces around 2011 and released their first album Talk Tomahawk in April of 2012. Now, in 2015 they have released an EP called By Fire, featuring three songs that will most likely be on their new album Choose Your Weapon. I immediately fell in love with the sound of the new EP. It feels a little bit more experimental, but still has that distinct Hiatus Kaiyote sound: raw and real. The three songs on the EP are “By Fire” “Laputa” and “Molasses”. I went around OSA and into my weekend listening to each song, seeing how every single tune, pitch, and tempo influenced my day and heightened my experiences. This is what came out of it.
Song #1 “Laputa”
As the abstract keyboard effects begin to pulse into my ears it pulls me into space, looking at stars glowing, almost bouncing as they emit their heat into the temperature-less barren black “desert”. Slowly drifting me away from reality and pulling me into a hypnotic deep trance of thought. The music is the hypnotist, guiding me and telling me what to listen to, every little sound is apart of the detail of the story Nai Palm is singing—luring you in with the mystery of her lyrics.
“Mystic catacomb creeper
Who whispers stone cold
And as the mind follows deeper.”
When this song was buzzing through the outside of my headphones, it became hard to focus on anything but the song itself, hanging onto every lyric, every crash and snare on the drum machine. It made me want to move, but I was unsure of how to move to its irregular beat. Instead I sat and enjoyed it, trying to follow the song vocally, expressing every little adlib and breath Nai Palm gave to me.
Song #2 “Molasses”
This song feels like a sunny day. Waking up in the morning knowing everything will be alright. As Palm sings “Might not get, might not get any better” the statement rings true. Zigzag rays of sunlight sneak their way in through the blinds, set your white comforter a glow, radiating heat and keeping you warm. Good vibrations and positive energy are all that can possibly surround you, just like molasses: sticky and sweet, you’re getting stuck in the melody. Every time there’s a change in the song, or a break down, I can imagine myself going through my entire day and cycle. The cycle of waking up, moving through the obstacles of my day until the afternoon sun finds it slot in the sky, till it sets and the moon rises, sleep REM and dreaming only to start it all over again. The song has that kind of affect on you, wanting to keep it on repeat forever until you get sick of it.
Song #3 “By Fire”
Rushing through the OSA hallways is always chaotic, but with this song playing in the background a good adrenaline of chaos rises through the cluster of students and it’s almost serene. The crashing of the drums feels like you’re in an independent film made about your life, because just like the audience you’re not exactly sure how it will end and you’re not sure which direction it will take you. There’s an exciting mysteriousness in not knowing how the rest of your day will go just just like the exciting mysteriousness in the song, not sure exactly what journey the band will lead you on, not sure how the song will end but, its entertaining and in that moment listening to this song in the crowded hallway, feeling this uncertainty is the only place you want to be. As the music calms down into a funky guitar part and soulful adlibs so does the hallway and it’s back to a tolerable buzz.
All in all, Hiatus Kaiyote’s By Fire EP is aptly titled since it is complete fire! Listening to this only excites me for what’s to come from Hiatus Kaiyote, which I know can only be greatness. The quartet must have felt the fans’ anticipation for new music and decided to bless us with this wonderful EP. I can only hope that when they release Choose Your Weapon it will feel the same way as making new friends in the summer time. I will let my small soul grow limitless with the help of the natural earthy sounds of Hiatus Kaiyote.
Song #1 “Laputa”
As the abstract keyboard effects begin to pulse into my ears it pulls me into space, looking at stars glowing, almost bouncing as they emit their heat into the temperature-less barren black “desert”. Slowly drifting me away from reality and pulling me into a hypnotic deep trance of thought. The music is the hypnotist, guiding me and telling me what to listen to, every little sound is apart of the detail of the story Nai Palm is singing—luring you in with the mystery of her lyrics.
“Mystic catacomb creeper
Who whispers stone cold
And as the mind follows deeper.”
When this song was buzzing through the outside of my headphones, it became hard to focus on anything but the song itself, hanging onto every lyric, every crash and snare on the drum machine. It made me want to move, but I was unsure of how to move to its irregular beat. Instead I sat and enjoyed it, trying to follow the song vocally, expressing every little adlib and breath Nai Palm gave to me.
Song #2 “Molasses”
This song feels like a sunny day. Waking up in the morning knowing everything will be alright. As Palm sings “Might not get, might not get any better” the statement rings true. Zigzag rays of sunlight sneak their way in through the blinds, set your white comforter a glow, radiating heat and keeping you warm. Good vibrations and positive energy are all that can possibly surround you, just like molasses: sticky and sweet, you’re getting stuck in the melody. Every time there’s a change in the song, or a break down, I can imagine myself going through my entire day and cycle. The cycle of waking up, moving through the obstacles of my day until the afternoon sun finds it slot in the sky, till it sets and the moon rises, sleep REM and dreaming only to start it all over again. The song has that kind of affect on you, wanting to keep it on repeat forever until you get sick of it.
Song #3 “By Fire”
Rushing through the OSA hallways is always chaotic, but with this song playing in the background a good adrenaline of chaos rises through the cluster of students and it’s almost serene. The crashing of the drums feels like you’re in an independent film made about your life, because just like the audience you’re not exactly sure how it will end and you’re not sure which direction it will take you. There’s an exciting mysteriousness in not knowing how the rest of your day will go just just like the exciting mysteriousness in the song, not sure exactly what journey the band will lead you on, not sure how the song will end but, its entertaining and in that moment listening to this song in the crowded hallway, feeling this uncertainty is the only place you want to be. As the music calms down into a funky guitar part and soulful adlibs so does the hallway and it’s back to a tolerable buzz.
All in all, Hiatus Kaiyote’s By Fire EP is aptly titled since it is complete fire! Listening to this only excites me for what’s to come from Hiatus Kaiyote, which I know can only be greatness. The quartet must have felt the fans’ anticipation for new music and decided to bless us with this wonderful EP. I can only hope that when they release Choose Your Weapon it will feel the same way as making new friends in the summer time. I will let my small soul grow limitless with the help of the natural earthy sounds of Hiatus Kaiyote.