"Oakland Education Association, the union representing Oakland Unified teachers, has released multiple resolutions in support of Palestine, with no mention of the Hamas attack on Israel in the official resolutions." -- Zara Quiter, seventh grade
"Take a look around. You might look to the left and see Charles Dickens feasting on fish and chips, look to the right and you might see Victorian folk selling jewelry. Bask in dozens of colorful characters straight out of the 1800s and marvel at the sight of the charming shops and handcrafted goods." -- Lilah aparton, 6th grade "Alcatraz Island is home to many different events for Indigenous peoples to do ceremonies. This includes showing dances to the younger generations to keep traditions alive, but also to remember the past and the things that had happened."--Celesté EAGLETON, 7th grade "On October 5th, 2023, the WNBA and the Golden State Warriors announced that the Bay Area is getting an expansion team." --Rafi Ponet, 8th Grade "BART. That grimy, dirty place that some people have to ride every day to get to school or work. BART, or Bay Area Rapid Transit has been around for 51 years. Originally amazing and futuristic, BART has become like any other way of public transit: run down and uncomfortable." -- Amara DEanes, 6th Grade "On August 27th there was a mass of teens and many fights broke out, this lead to a shot being fired and a stabbing." --Cb Omand, 8th grade. "California is the state with the highest fire threat in the US and although California's been lucky this year, the fire season is not over yet."--Mila Boyden 8th Grade “People of Oakland, run while you still can. The government has made the decision that will be the end of us all! As of May 1, three months after her discovery, the Oakland Zoo became the home of the monstrous t-rex, Clara. So far, she has already eaten a bison and a California Condor. What could be next? Who could be next? Could you be next?” -- Zara Quiter, Sixth Grade "After four and a half years of living alone in the jaguar enclosure, and endless searching on the part of the Oakland Zoo, Lucha, a male jaguar at the Oakland Zoo, has finally been given a friend. Emma, a four year old female, has moved from Miami, Florida to her new home on the California Trail." --Zara Quiter, sixth grade "On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, a hurricane-like bomb cyclone struck Northern California. It wreaked havoc, knocking down trees and powerlines left and right. it was one of the worst storms the Bay Area has seen for a long time." -- Isaiah kahn, 7th grade |